The Rad Nationals, Flatland Meet-up!

As part of the Rad Nationals, this year we will host a flatland meet-up with $300 in cash going to the rider with the best 3 minute session. Judging will start at 1:00 and you will be able to sign up at the show.

Registration now open

Registration for the 4th Annual Rad Nationals is NOW OPEN! Click here to register bikes, click here to register as at vendor.

We will host the 4th Annual Rad Nationals on Sunday, September 1st, 2024 at the Bullitt County Fairgrounds, 964 Clermont Road, as part of the Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show.

First, Second, and Third-place awards will be given out in five categories,
BMX Freestyle, BMX Race, Custom, Cruiser, and Muscle Bike.

Everyone who enters a bike gets to vote for the winners. All votes should be turned in at the registration/merch table by 2pm.
On-site registration will start at 9 am.
Spectator admission is $10 at the gate only, no tickets sold online.

Under 12 free with an adult – Free Parking!

Food trucks, beer booth, and vendors plus more TBA.

A family-friendly event, rain or shine.

Big thanks to our Title Sponsor, Parkside Bikeshop

We are back!

The Rad Nationals will return to the Bullitt County Fairgrounds on Sunday, September 1st, 2024. Keep an eye out for excited updates about the show in the coming weeks and early registration should open around May 26th.

Rad Nationals, 2023

Mark your calendar, the next Rad Nationals will take place at the Bullitt County Fairgrounds as part of the Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show on Sunday, September 3rd, 2023. Early registration will open here around May 28th, 2023.

Check out all the classified listings here

Update 6/1/22

Okay Folks the 2nd Annual Rad Nationals will take place this Saturday, Sept 3rd, 2022 at the Bullitt County Fairgrounds, 964 Clermont Road in Shepherdsville, Kentucky as part of the Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show.

Check out the site map. All bikes should enter at the Spectator Entry Gate. We will try to have a loading/unloading area near that gate if you are bringing in several bikes. 

Once you get to the gate if you didn’t pre-register you will pay to get in, $15 for the first bike and $5 for each additional bike. Once you pay they will give you bike number(s). If you registered online your name will be on the list at the Spectator Entry Gate.

After you have paid and have your bike number(s) take your bike(s) to the big yellow building, that is where most bikes will be. If you want to be in the building get there early, when the building is full we will stage bikes outside.

After you have your bike set up and put your bike number on it, go to the Registration table that will be just outside of the yellow building. If you didn’t register online you will complete the registration form and they will give you a participation sticker and your “Official Ballot”.

We have first, second and third awards in five categories, Race Bike, Freestyle, Muscle Bike, Cruiser, and Custom. Please vote for your favorites and turn your ballot in at the registration table before 2p.

Gates open at 9a
Voting ends at 2p
Awards around 4p

For anyone coming to the show that is not showing a bike, general admission to the show is $10, under 12 free with an adult.

Bring cash, we won’t have an ATM onsite and not all vendors will accept cards.

The show is family-friendly and rain or shine!

Update 5/31/22

Registration for the Second Annual Rad Nationals is NOW OPEN!

The show will take place as a part of the Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show at the Bullitt County Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022.

We will have food trucks, cash bar, vendors, and more TBA. General admission is $10 under 12 free with an adult. The show is family-friendly and rain or shine.

Gates at 9 am, awards at 4:30.

Fill out my online form.

It is best to complete the registration form on a desk top computer, we have had several folks say that they have problems completing it on their phone.

You don’t have to have a Paypal account to pay for the registration, you just have to click the blue button that says continue as a guest.

Update 12/22/21

The Second Annual Rad Nationals will take place as part of the Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 at the Bullitt County Fairgrounds. Stay tuned to our social channels for updates as they come to light and Happy Holidays!

Update 11/19/21

Today is the day! 

The Art Sanctuary is at 1433 S. Shelby Street in Louisville, KY. We will have a loading zone set up in front of the venue but please unload and move your vehicle as soon as you can to make things easy on everyone.

Registration and load-in for vendors will start at Noon on Friday. Doors will open to the public at 5 and we will start the movie at 8. 

Saturday registration will start for bikes around 9:30 and doors will open to the public at 10. Voting forms must be turned in to the merch/registration table before 2. Awards will start around 4 and we will gather at the front of Art Sanctuary around 4:30 for the ride-out to Four Pegs, which is a short 8 min ride.

Please bring and wear a mask.

Update 11/3/21

As part of the Winter Rad Nationals, we will screen Rad the Movie on Friday 11/19 starting at 8 pm. Bring a chair and enjoy this cult classic with a great group of rad new friends! Check out the trailer here, The movie screening is included in the regular price of the show and tickets will only be available at the door.

Wow, we had an amazing turn-out at the Mother Truckin’ / first-ever Rad Nationals last Sunday even with the rain we exceeded our expectations.

We are very excited to announce the first stand-alone event The Winter Rad Nationals (register below). It will take place at the Art Sanctuary, 1433 S Shelby St, Louisville, KY, the weekend of November 19th & 20th.

On-site registration will start around noon on Friday, Nov 19th, and around 10:00 am on Saturday the 20th. Voting will start on Friday and all votes should be turned in by 2p on Saturday. Scroll down for more info on judging and classes.

Vendor Registration and info here

Spectator admission is $10 at the door ONLY, under 12 free with an adult. No spectator admissions will be sold online!

To register online please complete the form below, the cost is $15 for your first bike and an additional $5 for any other bikes you bring. That fee will get you access to both days of the show.

Everyone that enters a bike gets one voting form that will have first, second and third place picks for each of the five classes, BMX Freestyle, BMX Race, Custom, Cruiser, and Muscle. All votes should be turned in at the registration table before 2p on Saturday.

If you have questions about the show or are interested in sponsoring just drop us a line.

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